nrElements: DependencyCount; { Number of elements in the Array }
matchingInfo: ARRAY [0..0] OF MatchingAndDependencyInfo;
FamilyDescriptionPtr = ^FamilyDescription;
FamilyDescription = RECORD
familyDescSignature: OSType; { Signature field of this structure }
familyDescVersion: FamilyDescVersion; { Version of this data structure }
familyType: FamilyType; { Type of Driver }
familyOSRuntime: FamilyOSRunTime; { OS Runtime Requirements of Family }
familymatchingAndDependency: FamilyMatchingAndDependency; { Family Dependency Info }
Definition of "driver-ptr" property
DriverPtrPropertyPtr = ^DriverPtrProperty;
DriverPtrProperty = RECORD
pluginLocator: LogicalAddress;
length: UInt32;
Status Definition for DFMReportInitStatus
kInitStatusOK = 0;
kInitStatusNotOK = 1;
Declare the pluginLoadID
PluginLoadID = ^LONGINT;
Function Prototypes
FUNCTION DFMReportInitStatus(serviceCategory: OSType; status: UInt32): UInt32; C;
FUNCTION DFMRemovePlugIns(VAR device: RegEntryRef; serviceCategory: OSType; nrPlugIns: UInt32; VAR pluginLocatorsInUse: LogicalAddress): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION DFMLoadPlugin(pluginLocator: LogicalAddress; pluginName: Str63; VAR pluginLoadID: PluginLoadID; VAR main: LogicalAddress; VAR pluginDT: LogicalAddress; optErrMsg: TextObject): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION DFMUnloadPlugin(VAR pluginLoadID: PluginLoadID): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION DFMGetCFragConnectID(VAR pluginLoadID: PluginLoadID; VAR connectionID: CFragConnectionID): OSStatus; C;